

I have a strong background in programming, and it has always been my goal to one day get into the world of video game design. I downloaded my first open source game creation program almost fifteen years ago, but there was just so many obstacles. It made the whole thing just seem so complicated.
It had it's own programming language, which was complicated, to say the least. It only used pixel based graphics, in which the program had it's own pixel editing program. The biggest turn off was that it was geared only towards RPG games. My goal is to make a multitude of games over several genres. This program did nothing but deter me from my dream of being a game developer.

Not to long ago, I stumbled across a beautiful little piece of software called Stencyl. It was like a dream come true. It makes everything so easy, almost too easy. Everything you could possibly need is right that at your finger tips. Gather your assets, load them into the program, and within just a few hours, or maybe days if your a perfectionist like me, you have a fully functioning game that you can share with the world.

The more I learned about the Stencyl software and it's capabilities, the more I thought I should share my knowledge with newcomers who don't have any programming experience or game creation experience whatsoever. After all, there is no programming required, but it does require you to think like a programmer in most aspects of the creation, and it definitely helps a lot to have a little bit of programming know how.

Therefor, my goal for this blog is to help those who are just getting started to build on some of the basic things they will learn in the Stencylpedia tutorials, and to help you continue to build on your skill sets thereafter. I plan to do so by giving in depth explanations on more intermediate and advanced subjects, and providing configured code blocks that demonstrate those same principles.
I encourage anyone who reads this blog not to just take the blocks that I post and run with them, but instead to take them and experiment with them. See what else you can turn them in to. Take a basic code block that I offer you, and transform it. Push it's boundaries to see how far it can really go. And, when you are done with that block of code, hey, why not come on back and grab another one?

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